Let’s get the tips from a person who keeps herself fit by following simple formula about exercise,even after delivering a baby recently.
I love to workout.
- When you get used to exercising regularly, it gets harder to skip a workout than to take a rest day.
Read my blog ‘How I got a changed life using exercise’
- Nothing beats the satisfaction of getting stronger or faster.
- It’s not about vanity, or losing weight, or punishing yourself for overeating. It’s about health.
- Some exercise, even five minutes, is better than none.
Read my blog ‘How to make body fit without gym?’
- Exercise is amazing for your mental health. It’s definitely what keeps me sane.
Read my blog ‘How exercise helped me to eat healthier food?’
- If you have trouble sleeping at night, try adding in more activity during your day.
- You probably get lots of exercise that doesn’t require a pair of gymshark leggings and tennis shoes. I wear myself out running to class, climbing stairs, chasing my kid, hauling groceries, and cleaning.
Read my blog ‘What everybody need to know exercise’
Go for a walk and enjoy. It’s beautiful out there.

I am grateful to Ms.Olivia Roos for sharing her tips.