Bundle of Joy
Watching your kids observation about life around her/him and how they are reacting to it is any parents beautiful moments.
The joy of parenting is felt deeply than any other feeling any human being will go through in their life.
Parenting brings in lots of challenges to handle which requires considerable changes to be made because there will be lots of biological changes happening in a mom postpartum which can impact on behavioral patterns, relationship friction with everyone involved.
It’s better to get some in depth tips of parenting which make your life journey more beautiful.
Emotions at play
As a parent we will be attached to our new born more emotionally, which will help us to be more concerned about the safety and survival of our new born.
These sweet emotions will also help us to bond better with our kids and enjoy parenting with more joyfulness.
Overall, it gives positive feelings around us if we handle the situation properly.
Attention in life improves
Since, we are emotionally charged, our attention to focus improves considerably based on what the kids requirement will be, paying attention to their expressions, the feelings the kids will be going through, their needs for Now and later. Basically, living in the present moment.
What engaging in activities does to parents
Emotional process helps being mentally alert and helps in multitasking to give the best to our kids.
It’s not just mom who gets emotionally charged for the new born.
A father’s role plays crucial role, though go unnoticed most of the time.
Any father who is engaged in basic needs of his newborn gets his emotion quotient going up and feels the in-depth of love by caring.
These emotional factors helps a father to care for kids innocence, nurturing the kid for better health, fun, adventure and most importantly being better human being.
Stress at play
This emotional attachment can also bring down the stress level in parents especially for mom as she is focusing on how to handle the present situation with her new born.
Real meaning in life
Parenting also brings more meaning to life like taking responsibilities for the new born’s well being.
Unless, one take on the responsibilities the real meaning of happiness won’t occur.
Only when there is happiness with the parents the kid will grow in healthy atmosphere and will bring real meaning to life.
How to handle psychological challenges
Most of the parents are not aware of the physical challenges post delivery.
Especially for mom recovering from pregnancy, breast feeding, disturbed sleep, fatigue, lack of nutrition will impact considerably.
Unless, parents take turn to look after the newborn and giving sufficient time for sleep it will impact the mood, safety of the parents and newborn, decision making process, better productivity.
Parenting role needs lots of psychological adjustments especially for parents who might have faced difficult delivery process and would need time to recover.
If the parents have faced some traumatic time in their childhood, it can trigger their past and would reflect on their feelings which in turn might reflect on the newborn.
For a mom hormonal changes post delivery plus lack of sleep will lead to anger, fear, anxiety, and depression.
It’s preferable for new parents to work on supporting system which can lower parenting demands, bringing some common sense and balance to life, by taking care of one’s body and health, being connected with partner to share the load of parenting.
New child brings in new challenges to parents
After the birth of the child, parenting conflicts, relationship hassles like intimacy, sexuality lack can derail the life which will create friction among parents.
Parents who have been communicating for better productive process post delivery won’t have any issues and will handle challenges better.
Parents who have been having friction in their relationship before child delivery, lack of communication, not budging on taking responsibilities will lead to more distress.
There will be more strains as financial factors will come into play by way of expenses for the newborn’s necessities, mom’s health related issues, when to get back to work to handle the financial needs or stay at home to take care of kid’s needs.
All these matters needs to be addressed more sensitively without hurting each partners feelings by better communication, before the delivery of the newborn or even better before conceiving a baby.
Social needs or family needs
New parents will need to restructure their social life as some of the old friends will leave the network and some will stick around knowing the space the new parents needs and giving them helping hand as and when needed.
Of course, there will be new circle of friends into new parent’s life. It’s important that the new parents keep the communication alive with the extended family and friends to handle the challenges of life.
Listen to your internal well being
There will be plenty of advice from various quarters regarding how and where to sleep, whether the new born should sleep next to parents or in a separate crib. As a new parent it is better to listen to internal body’s response, emotional requirements and work out situations which will be better for all the concerns.
The best way for new parents to move forward will be to keep it simple of loving, caring, and better communication with understanding atmosphere to give the newborn a better home to live.
As a new parent it’s better to share your challenges, the way you handle the situations and get acknowledged by other new parents stories.
Communication and connectivity comes to the fore
It’s important for new parents to give importance to better communication and appreciating the mom for her time to newborn by way of hugs, which will boost her feelings.
Taking responsibilities from mom from her chorus so that she can spend more time with the newborn and attending to her wellness will not only help in better parenting but also bonding better in relationship.
Like a baby needs to be nurtured, the new mom also needs to be nurtured for more meaningful and beautiful life as she is giving her best for child’s welfare.
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