How One Single Lifestyle Tip Helped To Lose Weight?

One single lifestyle tip from a famous personality helped Ms.Mahima Seth to lose 23 kilos (50.6 pounds) without dietitian or trainer.

Would you like to know the tip from her story?

Losing 23 kilos (50.6 pounds) in 10 months was a herculean task, it required a lot of discipline and hard work.

How do I change my eating habits to lose weight?

The turning point: I was really disgusted by the fact that my BMI was way above normal and people calling me all the names like “Golu, chubby, motu” and fat-shaming me. I had stopped looking into the mirror, my fondness for shopping or trying new clothes had reduced. I used to feel very under- confident about myself. Something in me spoke to my inner goddess and said” Let me put a very sincere effort in being the best version of myself” and I started reading about nutrition online and found the John Abraham’s take on nutrition very fascinating.

Weight loss friendly foods

My breakfast: Oats, eggs, sprouts or baked chicken/fish. I have no indulgence in any artificial source of protein, vitamins or any weight loss pills.

My lunch: Roti(Indian bread), Dal(Indian dish made out of pulses), Vegetables, Salad

My dinner: Roti(Indian bread), Dal(Indian dish made out of pulses), Vegetables, Salad

I indulge in (What you eat on your cheat days): Baked chicken, Khakhra, Idli

How to lose weight naturally?

My workout: Weight Training accompanied by leading an active lifestyle.

Low-calorie recipes I swear by Oats (Roast oats and garnish it with a lot of vegetables and black pepper), Baked Chicken (marinate chicken and bake it with yoghurt and black pepper)

Fitness secrets which produce results

Fitness secrets I unveiled: 1) Start exercising, it makes it easier to follow the diet.

2) Follow a sustainable diet.

3) Don’t eat just because someone is asking you to. No compulsive eating or drinking.

4) Use a calorie counter app.

5) Don’t skip meals, I tend to eat more if I skip meals and it messes up metabolism.

6) Four exercises I swear by are Planks, push-ups, squats, lunges.

How do I stay motivated? 

Life is about creating “feel good factors”. Staying healthy is a bug feel-good factor.

How do you ensure you don’t lose focus? 

I try to exercise 5 times a week, putting efforts in exercise makes me cherish every grain of the food I am putting in my mouth. I follow a sustainable diet. I had not got into crash dieting or fad dieting. I have customized a diet which I can follow for life happily without comprising on my work or other important stuff.



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