Cold and cough remedy

Best Home Remedy for Cold and Cough Which Works!

Effective home remedy for cold and cough.

This remedy is a effective solution for people who have regular congestion of mucus in the chest, running nose, sneezing, cough and sinus allergies.

When this problem persist it will make you dull and tired, won’t be able to sleep properly, won’t be able to do any work, have continuous dry cough.

Most of the Indian families have been using this home remedy for hundred of years.

The solution to all these issues is a simple cure.

Main ingredient for this cure is black pepper.

Take 30 black pepper in a small bowl. Make sure it’s 30 pepper. Not more or less.

Black pepper

Then grind all the pepper to make it into a powder.

Now, take two glasses of water in a vessel and mix the pepper with water.

Boil the water on the stove by keeping the fire in low flame.

Let the water and pepper keep boiling until the water level comes down to one glass. 

By doing so the peppers essence gets blended with water properly.

Once the water is boiled to one glass level, bring it down from stove and make sure the water temperatures comes down.

Ideally, the water temperature should be in Luke warm stage and filter the water with pepper to a glass.

Mix the pepper water with one teaspoon of pure honey.

Drink the pepper water in one gulp without giving gap.

Whenever you have these problems take it for 3 days both morning and evening.

Most of the said ailments would have got cured in 3 days.

Ideally for people above the age of 10 years can drink twice a day.

Children below 10 years of age should drink only once a day.

This is a natural remedy and there won’t be any side affects. Even people who had sinus allergies got cured by this remedy.

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