Exercise saved my life. Exercise enhanced my life Physically, Mentally and Emotionally.
2016 was one of the worst years of my life. Here’s a gist of it:
1. I got cheated on by my very first and my only boyfriend.
2. I resigned from my job.
3. I didn’t clear any entrance exam that year.
4. I was left with no money of my own.
Now let me tell you something, when your professional life and your love life ends at the same time, that’s just a new found level of depression!
I had no aims, no hopes and no idea of what was going to happen. For months, all I did was hide in my room, deactivate all my social media accounts and eat junk food all day long. It came to a point, where I was unable to look at myself in the mirror or even face anyone else. I lied to everyone I met about what’s going on with my life, including my parents. I was heart-broken knowing that the only guy I loved was actually still with his ex-girlfriend and was just using me as a distraction. I felt used and humiliated. I was freaking out every second knowing that I’m jobless and a gap year is going to destroy my whole career for good. On top of that, I literally felt ugly inside-out. I was always a bit chubby, but in 2016, I became a whole new obese person with a high risk of Diabetes!
One day, looking at my condition, my Mom came up to me and said, “Get dressed, I’m getting you a gym membership“. My first response was, “Why are you wasting your money on me? It’s a lost cause. I’m not going anywhere“. But after a few threats I agreed and went to see the gym.
And right from that moment, that gym became my escape path. I use to put all my frustration, anxiety, anger, doubts, troubles and thoughts into working out. Within a few months, I started seeing changes in me and not just the physical one’s. I came up with the idea of being a blogger and creating my very own website.
I was able to look into the eyes of people and speak to them. I started getting a clearer idea of what I wanted to do with my life and that CAT or GMAT isn’t everything that mattered in life.
All this happened because I gave myself a chance to be a better version of myself.
Working out isn’t just about looking good, it’s about feeling good. It’s about giving yourself the love that you deserve. It’s about gaining confidence in yourself. It’s about falling in love with your journey and realizing that you can lift yourself up from your rock bottom by just trusting yourself.
And now, for some picture time,
Here’s me in 2016:

And here’s me in 2017:

I hope this answer helps every single person who’s reading it. May your life be just as strong as your legs and may your future be just as chiseled as your abs.
My gratitude to Ms. Chtiralekha Magre for sharing her story.