Kettlebell training
If you are a fan of kettlebell training the insight to these training will give you a better shape.
A complete metabolic workout that improves flexibility and muscle mass.

Smart Fitness, JLT Dubai, runs effective kettlebell sessions that have a metabolic effect on the body. The company combines Polar technology and elite trainers that work in fitness education. Its blueprint for kettlebell training includes the fundamental lifts that are used in kettlebell sport. One of the major benefits of kettlebell training is functional flexibility of the hamstring group and activation of the posterior chain muscles.
Smart Fitness has an education department, which develops training courses that are REPS accredited in the UK and Dubai. Its head of education Aaron Small helps implement fitness education and customer-focused products that deliver results. One of the bespoke exercises unique to Smart Fitness is the kettlebell burpee (demonstrated by Smart Fitness Manager Anthony White).
The Smart Fitness kettlebell blueprint will be launched in January 2019, where participants will be taken through a series of fundamental movement patterns by both Aaron and Anthony. Fitness professionals looking to upskill will get to complete continued professional development courses with 16 CPD points through Smart Academy from the end of January.

Turkish Get Up

Kettlebell Front Squat

Kettlebell burpee

Instagram: @smartfitnessuae