Pushups hacks to accelerate into incredible body!

One of my friends at the gym asked me how much pushups he should do to get ripped muscles.

Then I remembered one of my friends sharing his secrets of getting incredible body by doing pushups which I follow religiously.

You can read my blog “Are Push-ups the best exercise to get younger body?”

Besides getting well defined body, it will give you more health benefits, losing weights and six pack abs.

For getting great results certain amount of discipline is needed which is the powerful traits of successful people.

My friend who guided me to do pushups does 300 pushups daily of 10 sets of 30 pushups each set.

I decided to do atleast half of what he is doing that is 150 pushups a day and reach my goal in a month’s time.

In spite of working out at gym for many years, I couldn’t do more than 10 pushups the first set and the subsequent sets less number of pushups on the first week.

In the first month I was able to reach 120 pushups each day of 10 sets. In the second month, I crossed 200 pushups each day of 10 sets, each set of 20 pushups.

I haven’t pushed it further presently maintaining 200 plus pushups everyday increasing slowly.

Besides, getting great shape, the discipline as thought me to take any challenges in life and keep working on it until you get results and keep moving further.

You can adopt the pushups challenge formula suggested by my friend.

Do your max amount of push-ups, or modified push-ups (on your knees).

Divide your maximum by 2. (if your max is 10, then your number is 5).

Take THAT number, (in this case 5) and multiply by 10, which becomes 50.

This is the number to shoot for every day of 10 sets of (half your max) is your daily goal.

Here are the results in just one month time.

My wife and my daughter are checking me out every day, how many pushups I do.

After seeing considerable transformation in my body, they have also got addicted and taken up the challenge by doing pushups.

My max has gone from 10-22 each set.

It feels really good to accomplish this goal and to see my family has also started getting into good shape and being healthy.

I am motivating as many people I know to take up this challenge for them to be fit and healthy.

My belly has flattened out considerably and even my little daughter is going around and showing everybody her flat tummy that she is getting six pack abs, which is really cute to see.

All these efforts have helped in improving my family relationship too and more happier moments.

Are you ready to take up the challenge?

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